
Grow in Relationship

We know that by connecting with people in community, you’ll begin to deepen your faith as you learn, serve and grow together. Two great ways to start are by joining a LifeGroup and a Ministry Team.
Click the button below to begin the conversation.

Join a LifeGroup

LifeGroups are designed to help us follow Jesus more closely in the three areas of His leadership: living life in the WAY of Jesus (sacrificial, worshipful, fully surrendered), based on the TRUTH of Jesus (learned by studying and applying His Word), in order to reflect the LIFE of Jesus (in relationship with God and others) to the people around us. We hope you will join a LifeGroup and experience the growth, encouragement, and blessing of following Jesus.

Join a ministry team

Our lives have been inspired by God’s love, grace, and hope. God promises to breathe life into our relationship with Him when we step out and step up, which is why we encourage our church family to find ways to live out their faith. Ministry teams (inside & outside the church) are great ways to use your God-given gifts and passions to further his Kingdom. Check out our teams and get connected today!