Week 6: A Higher Standard

Jesus values our transformed hearts over our outward activity.

Day 1: Read Matthew 5:17-48. Jesus took the PRACTICES of the law and filled them full of greater meaning by focusing on the PRINCIPLES that should be behind them. What principles in this section challenge you the most?

Day 2: We have difficulty understanding the condition of our hearts. The 3 movements of Psalm 19 (vs. 1-6, 7-10, and 10-14) can help us get a clearer picture. Pray through this, asking God to help you see your heart.

Welcome to our FALL 2022 Teaching series Did He really say that?

Some of what Jesus taught is encouraging and comforting … and some is challenging and unsettling … but it all points in the same direction: God wants to be reconnected with you and made it possible. This is a great series to invite family and friends to!

Be sure to text REALLY to 970-644-6800 to begin receiving content Monday- Friday mornings & be sure to come back to this page throughout the week.

  • Unforgiveness inserts a wedge in our relationship with Jesus.

    Day 1: Read Matthew 6:9-15 & 18:21-35. What areas of your life are currently unconfessed & require you to ask for forgiveness from Him? Begin there in prayer this week.

    Day 2: Read 1 John 1:5-10. This amazing promise from God is intended to compel us to frequent confession & forgiveness. Why is this important in relationships? Why is this hard for you – what mindset(s) get in the way of confessing to God and asking for forgiveness?

    Day 3: It appears Matthew 6:14-15 and 1 John 1:5-10 are contradictory. How can God promise to forgive when we confess but not to forgive if we haven’t forgiven others? In Sunday’s message, John talked about 2 types of forgiveness: judicial and parental. You can view the message here (pick up at 2:20:30 on the timer). How does this help you understand these scriptures? When have you noticed your unforgiveness inhibiting your relationship with God?

    Day 4: Forgiving others comes at a cost for us, one that is very tangible. But unforgiveness comes with a greater cost. God promises to work in us to bring the strength & conviction to forgive. Read Proverbs 10:12 and 17:9 and Psalm 130 and ask God to help you forgive others.

    Day 5: There are many ways you can work through forgiveness with others, even if they’re gone or if it’s unsafe to approach them. One great way is to write a letter (that you may never send) outlining the offense and expressing your forgiveness. If you’re stuck in unforgiveness, trust God and ask Him to lead you into freedom. For more on this, see this great series from Focus on the Family.

  • Jesus is a lot of things – and DEMANDING is one of them. Let Him challenge your priorities this week.

    Day 1: Read Matthew 10:34-39. Jesus pulls no punches in this teaching and uses harsh language. What is the most shocking of Jesus’ statements? What about it shocks you? Spend time praying, asking God to bring clarity to that passage for you.

    Day 2: Read Luke 14:25-35. There are only a few messages that the Gospels record Jesus saying multiple times. This is one of them (see also Luke 12:49-53 and John 12:25-26. Why does Jesus emphasize the cost of following Him so much? What has following Jesus cost you?

    Day 3: Read Micah 7:1-7. Jesus quotes these verses in this week’s study scripture (MT 10:34-39), but what point is He trying to make? Consider why there is division in the family in Micah (hint, see 6:16) – is Jesus saying circumstances are similar in his day? In what way?

    Day 4: Again consider Micah 7:1-7. The division in the family was the result of rebellion against God, but in Matthew 10 Jesus says He’s bringing the division. Why would He do this? How has living out your faith brought division to your relationships? Pray to God asking for strength when following Jesus costs you relationships.

    Day 5: Time to bring this to a point of application: following Jesus is costly but honoring the Gospel is worth the cost. As you enter into this election season and the upcoming holidays, what relationships might be threatened by your faith? Read John 1:14-18 and pray in advance that God would give you the strength and wisdom to enter those relationships with the proper blend of Grace and Truth.

  • Jesus asks things of us that seem too big – but they pale in comparison to what he offers in return.

    Day 1: Read Mark 10:17-23. The young ruler wanted to know what he could do to save himself. How do you try to be your own savior? Do you do ‘good works’ hoping God gives you credit for them? Why is this ultimately pointless?

    Day 2: Read Mark 10:13-16. Mark puts these two encounters back-to-back to show the contrast. How does having faith like a child differ from the young man’s faith? In what areas do you need to develop child-like faith? Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal these to you and to help you deepen your faith.

    Day 3: Jesus promises to replace earthly wealth with ‘treasure in heaven’ in his conversation with the rich young man. Read Matthew 6:19-24 to gain more understanding about this. What do you think treasure in heaven looks like? How can you put greater value in that than in earthly things?

    Day 4: Earthly things can give us the illusion of comfort & control, but they can also be a wedge in our relationship with Christ. Read Matthew 6:25-34 for God’s wisdom on the proper priority of earthly things and the amazing promise He offers us when we seek His Kingdom first. What’s one area of your life where you can seek His Kingdom first?

    Day 5: Re-read Mark 10:17-23. Does it surprise you that Jesus lets the young man walk away without negotiating, convincing, or pleading with him? What does this tell you about God’s love and justice? How does it challenge your commitment to Jesus – does it make you want to be close to him or to walk away? Now read Mark 10:24-31 to see what Jesus offers those who follow Him. How does this promise change your commitment?

  • Jesus did amazing things in his time on earth, and he promised we’ll do greater things. Can this be possible?

    Day 1: Read John 14:8-14. A key component to understanding this promise is to understand Jesus’ works. Look back through John’s Gospel and list some of his works, both miracles & lessons.

    Day 2: Read John 6:25-40. How does this passage help you understand the ‘works’ Jesus is talking about in John 14? What does this work look like today for us and how might it be ‘greater’ than it was in Jesus’s time?

    Day 3: We must remember that John 14:8-14 ends w/ a focus on prayer. Read Luke 11:1-4. How does this compare to John 14:13-14? How does it challenge your prayer life?

    Day 4: The amazing promise of John 14:8-14 is not that we will do greater things, but that Jesus will give us all we need to do them if we only ask. In what areas of your life do you need to pray BOLD prayers? Read 1 John 5:13-15 then, if your request is within God’s will (conforming to His character and for His glory) BOLDY go to God in prayer and ask Him.

    Day 5: The idea of BOLD prayers is found throughout scripture, and it’s always tied to faith in Jesus and God’s will. Read James 4:2-3, 1 John 3:21-22, and 1 John 5:13-15 for some examples. Ask God for his will in your most pressing situation, listen for his leading, then go to God and ask him as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 7:7-12.

  • Jesus makes it clear that there is only one way back to the Father. If God is loving, why would He be so exclusive in his invitation?

    Day 1: Read John 14:1-7. We did not explore this in Sunday’s message, but why do you think Jesus talked about God’s house having many rooms? Do you think this is symbolic or literal?

    Day 2: Study 2 Peter 3:1-10 & 1 Timothy 2:1-7. How broad is God’s invitation? How does this compare to your previous understanding?

    Day 3: Read Romans 1. When we come to God with a sense of entitlement, we expect Him to accept us by our means. But when we come to God with a sense of how lost we are without Him, we accept His way back. In what ways do you bring entitlement into your relationship with God? Spend time in prayer, repenting of these and asking Him to help you approach Him with reverence and gratitude.

    Day 4: Read John 3:1-15, then Numbers 21:4-9, then John 3:16-17. Why does Jesus refer back to the bronze serpent in teaching Nicodemus? What can we learn from this story in Israel’s history? What consequences of sin are you dealing with in your life that distract you from looking at Jesus for your relief?

    Day 5: Read John 3:18-21, then read John 14:1-7 again. Because of our sin and rejection of God, we deserve death, so who are we to say that God’s path of redemption (Jesus) is too narrow or exclusive? Jesus is the only solution to our massive problem!

    Spend time praising God for His mercy (not giving us what we deserve) and grace (giving us what we don’t deserve). Pray also for those in your world who need to hear that God has done everything necessary to redeem them, and then ask Him for an opportunity to share this Good News with them.